Why develop your own independent primary care practice?

I am often asked about why I would spend time creating my own business versus just going to work for a physician or a medical group. For me, spending time creating something is more valuable and rewarding than simply going along with the flow of a “job”. Don’t get me wrong, the process is not easy, uncomplicated, cheap, or without days of me asking myself the same question.

Currently, I am in the process of trying to get my practice licensed with the Department of Public and Behavioral Health as a medical laboratory. Before you ask, no I am not going to be doing my own labs. But in order to be able to make some basic medical decisions (for example, a female patient who is complaining of issues when she urinates), being allowed by the State of Nevada and the Federal Government to do office testing, I have to be licensed. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it is a layer of complication that adds to the unquestionably complicated process that is the medical practice in this country.

No, lab licensure is not an easy process. When I started looking into this process, I discovered that not only do I have to be licensed with the Feds and pay them their fees, but I also have to pay the State an application fee PLUS licensing fees. This doesn’t take into account the incredible amount of time and paperwork and policy development/writing that is required before licensure even happens. Although I’m not sure why, but I continue to be amazed at the difficulty of the process to get a medical practice that is independent up and running. All the red tape, regulations, licenses, insurances and fees certainly make independent practice look questionable at best. For my clients and patients, it still looks like the best option, however.

So why do I do it? Simply answered, I do it for the ability to sit and talk with my patients about their lives, illnesses, options, and my recommendations. I do it so that my patient with a urinary tract infection can get back to her life as a busy executive, a busy mother of 3, and as a wife.

I have had this business plan in development for the last 10yrs; and while Sierra Nevada may still be in it’s infancy of being able to do basic tests such as urine dipsticks or throat swabs, being able to spend efficient quality time with my patients has always been in the forefront.

If you are interested in having a provider that builds their schedule to allow for time with you, give me call.