Stop The Anxiety-Pain Rollercoaster!

Did you know stress can be both good and bad? Most of us usually think about stress and anxiety as negative aspects. What we know is positive stress (eustress) is actually helpful for health, excitement, and motivation in life.

The problem happens when our minds go from a solution-orientation to one of overthinking or worrying. We begin to let the “monkey mind” control our narrative. Unfortunately, this narrative is usually negative in nature.

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Getting The Best of Balance

I always knew I was clumsy. I used to joke with people, “I came into this world falling down, I’ll most likely go out the same way!” I would even add, “I’ve fallen down so much, I’m now very graceful on the way down!”

As I’ve gotten into my 40’s, I’m no longer using these phrases. I don’t want to fall. I’ve discovered, I don’t bounce as well as I did in my 30’s. And I certainly don’t recover from a fall like I was in my teens!

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