This involves using gentle to moderate pressure to stimulate your circulation through five invigorating strokes including kneading, rolling, vibrational, percussive and slow tapping movements.
This massage assists with your overall relaxation and improves circulation, promotes wellness and reduces swelling from injury. This full-body relaxation massage is ideal for first-time massage patients wanting to explore the benefits of massage to improve their overall health. Stress reduction is achieved through a combination of Swedish massage techniques to ensure relaxation and relief of muscle tension. The body feels replenished with energy and clarity of the mind. Joint movement and stretching techniques may be included.
A study conducted by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, and published in The New York Times, found that volunteers who received a 45-minute Swedish massage experienced significant decreases in levels of the stress hormone cortisol, as well as arginine vasopressin (a hormone that can lead to increases in cortisol). Volunteers also had increases in the number of lymphocytes, white blood cells that are part of the immune system, and a boost in the immune cells that may help fight colds and the flu.
Swedish massage is very gentle, and will not abrade the skin or the muscles. It is not intended to “work out” kinks and knots, but to soothe muscles. Swedish Massage is appropriate for those with poor circulation, and wish to improve it. The long, gentle strokes help to open circulation and increase blood flow to the extremities. Swedish massage is intended for relaxation and comfort, and will help to relieve stressors. For sensitive skin, Swedish massage is very gentle, and will not abrade the skin or the muscles. It is not intended to “work out” kinks and knots, but to soothe muscles. Benefits of Swedish massage is exceptional for increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, decreasing muscle toxins, improving circulation and flexibility while easing tension.
Pain Relief – The Mayo Clinic notes that massage therapy can be used to help manage pain. Swedish sessions can target specific areas of pain like a sprained ankle, or they can be used to help manage the chronic pain that comes with conditions like arthritis. By using strokes that improve circulation and increase body-wide relaxation, the massage therapist can help make many painful conditions more bearable. The strokes of Swedish massage replicate the movements of the circulatory system. By performing the strokes toward the heart, Swedish massage drains metabolic waste from the limbs of the body. The Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) notes, “…that Swedish massage can break up muscle adhesions and help promote the healthy healing of scar tissue.” Swedish massage uses strokes like cross-fiber friction to work out the kinks that can accompany injured muscles. These strokes help get rid of scar tissue and return the muscles to their normal, healthy state.
Considerations: it is important to communicate openly and honestly with your therapist. If you have any special needs and individual preferences; for example your level of comfort during the massage should be optimally maintained throughout, and if it is not you should say so. If you prefer oil to lotion or vice versa, if you do not like scented oils and lotions, whether the room is too warm or too cold, etc. These minor yet important concerns should be voiced to ensure an open and pleasant experience.