Nurse Practitioner Services

Holistic Primary Care Consultation and Services – SNVHS provides a range of holistic primary care services to adults such as hormone balancing, annual wellness visits, and management of chronic care of illnesses. Our dual board-certified nurse practitioner provides our medical care.

Our nurse practitioner aides to bridge the service gap between the hard-to-reach primary medical provider(s) and the patient. All services can be coordinated with a patient’s other care provider(s) for a more well-rounded treatment.

SNVHS can assist patients in having access to an ordering provider for needed labs, various therapies (i.e., physical therapy, occupational), imaging, or injection services.

SNVHS also works with specialty laboratories for holistic and functional medicine approaches to wellness for patients. By utilizing a combination of Western medicine and ​Complimentary Alternative Medicine approaches, patients are given a more holistic approach to their health and wellness.

Moreover, SNVHS can assist patients in obtaining needed referrals to specialists for their health care. We do provide referrals to all modalities of healthcare and wellness providers. 

No insurance is accepted. SNVHS is not a CMS-approved provider. However, our services may be reimbursable from the client’s insurance or HSA. Superbills are available upon request to aid clients seeking reimbursement.

Primary Care Services: SNVHS provides primary medical care to adults only. Because the basis of our care is prevention-based, we do ask our patients to be active in their health and wellness. Medications are prescribed in a “less is more” philosophy. While we can help people manage chronic pain issues, we do not provide opiate medications for chronic pain management.

Injection Services: SNVHS offers a variety of injection services. Some patients require medications for supplementation, pain and/or general health. SNVHS provides access for patients to have these medications administered when doing it at home is inconvenient or not an option. There is also an option to learn the technique to do self-injections safely and correctly at home.      

Medication Injection services: This service would be for Vitamin B12 injections, testosterone injections, or other types of injections the patient may need assistance with.  Costs for this type of injection service does not include the cost of the medication(s).

Trigger point injections (TPI) or bursa/major joint injection: This may be an option for treating pain in some patients. TPI is a procedure used to treat painful areas of muscle and fascia that contain trigger points, or knots formed when muscles do not relax. Trigger points may irritate the nerves around them, and cause referred pain (pain that is felt in another part of the body). 

The injection may contain a local anesthetic or saline, and/or corticosteroid or anti-inflammatory medicine. With the injection(s), the trigger point is made inactive, and the pain is alleviated. 

Injection of soft tissues (such as bursa) and joints is a very useful addition to physical or occupational therapies in combating musculoskeletal pain and disability. They are most effective when combined with rehabilitation regimens such as stretching and strengthening.

Many patients benefit from injections with relief of pain, increased range of motion, and improved activity. Bursa and joint injections are injections of a local anesthetic or saline, and/or corticosteroid or anti-inflammatory medicine into the joint, bursa, and/or tendon to relieve inflammation/pain and help to restore function.

Medical Cannabis Certification – SNVHS can provide certification of a patient’s accepted health conditions per the NRS 453A.050. SNVHS will help educate patients about the safe and effective use of the various cannabinoid products, the benefits and risks of use, and having a medical certification card, and to introduce the health and wellness aspects of the endocannabinoid system.