
Amethyst Crystal BioMat

The Biomat combines state-of-the-art far infrared light and negative ion technology with the healing power of amethyst quartz crystals. This revolutionary technology is a viable treatment option for pain as well as other musculoskeletal problems.

The Far Infrared Amethyst Biomat is a patented technology by Richway International, Inc. The Biomat is a thermo-electro-therapeutic FDA licensed medical device that combines state of the art Far Infrared light and Negative Ion technology with the healing power of Amethyst crystal. This trilogy delivers professional therapeutic results. The Biomat is a revolutionary healing tool, ideal for health care professionals or anyone interested in improving their overall health and wellbeing.

The Biomat is approved by the FDA and ISO as a medical device capable of:

•The Biomat improves immune system function

•The Biomat improves circulation and cardiovascular function

•The Biomat relieves pain

•The Biomat eases joint pain and stiffness

•The Biomat reduces stress and fatigue

 •The Biomat assists in detoxification

What are Far Infrared Rays (FIR) and where do they come from? Far Infrared technology was first brought to us by nature herself. All living things emit certain amounts of FIR. Traditionally, we receive our daily dose of FIR from sunlight, which is composed of all the energy wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum. FIR are a form of energy that are part of the electro-magnetic light frequency of sunlight that is not visible to the human eye. These FIR are safe, gentle and beneficial unlike the damaging effects of short wavelengths such as gamma rays and X-rays. NASA discovered how to generate FIR in the 1960s to keep astronauts healthy in space. FIR waves are the safest and most beneficial electromagnetic energy available to the human body.

 The Far Infrared Rays of the Biomat relieve pain and stress by expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach injured areas of the body and helps reduce pain and speed up the healing process. The Biomat FIR rays not only benefit the muscles on the surface of the body, but also at a cellular level, including the blood vessels, lymph glands, and nerves in the deepest parts of the body. These rays vitalize the biological function of our cells and help relieve pain associated with neuralgia, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic fatigue, as well as help eliminate toxins and carbon dioxide from the blood. The Biomat Far Infrared wave speeds up cellular metabolic processes, like stimulating the activity of mitochondria, triggering 3,000 essential enzymes that speed the healing process by regeneration and normalization of damaged cell tissue.

FIR encourages your body to secrete Heat Shock Protein or HSP. This process strengthens your immune system by protecting your cells from heat and plays an important role in producing endorphins which in turn enhances the immune system. Heat Shock Protein also increases the production of NK-cells, T-cells, and lymphocytes. The field for Far Infrared Crystallography explains this effect in further detail. FIR refracted through amethyst crystals organizes their geometrical patterns with higher bio-compatibility. Korean researchers propose that the addition of the amethyst allows for greater increase in the utilization of the light by the human organism. 

How are Far Infrared Rays created in the Biomat? The method of generating FIR through the Biomat is accomplished by putting pulses of energy (DC current) through a carbon ceramic material called the Japanese Kurera’s Super Fiber. As the FIR passes through the Amethyst crystals in the Biomat, the crystals emit Long Wave Far Infrared Rays, 6.5 to 9.32 microns, which penetrate 6 inches deep through the body. Therefore, the rays not only benefit the muscles on the surface of the body, but also all the cells, including blood vessels, lymph glands, and nerves in the deepest parts of the body.

Fact: Harvard Medical School found that cancer cells are destroyed at 107 degrees fahrenheit. Far Infrared Rays Effect Hormonal Balance of the Body: Dr. George Brainard found that light affects Hormonal Balance of the body, in the levels of melatonin, prolactin, cortisone, testosterone, and thyroid hormones, and that light is essential to the functioning of the entire endocrine system. Far Infrared Rays promote vasodilation, bringing nutrients and oxygen to soft tissue regions, stimulating the removal of toxins, and decreasing inflammation and edema from the soft tissue. Detoxification strengthens the immune system, revitalizes skin tone, and helps normalize eczema and acne. Additionally, Far Infrared Rays help reduce muscle spasm through heat, and reduce swelling, inflammation, and soreness through direct action on both free nerve endings and peripheral nerves. Other benefits include improving the balance of the blood pressure and blood sugars. The Biomat FIR support the body’s natural process of detoxification.

The Biomat is further enhanced with Amethyst Crystals, known for their calming and healing effects since ancient times. Amethyst crystal were known as a power crystal with prolific healing powers that can be characterized as purifying, pacifying, and transitional. Known for its power to detoxify the body from alcohol and other harmful elements.

Amethyst also produces FIR. This healing stone emits an inherent wavelength of 32,876 KHz. These rays revitalize the biological function of the cells to relieve pain and symptoms associated with neuralgia, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Amethyst has been deemed as “nature’s tranquilizer” by many health practitioners because of its effectiveness in relaxing not only the mind, but also the nervous system. The Amethyst Effect was scientifically demonstrated through spectral analysis demonstrating that a change in Infrared light when refracted through amethyst crystals. Scientists experimented by passing Far Infrared Rays through a variety of substances, including various gems, glasses and plastics. Amethyst was found to be the only substance which clearly changed the spectrum of Infrared light. Wave forms mimicked patterns similar to the human voice, according to scientists. While no theory has been proposed regarding the Amethyst Effect, scientists hypothesize that the infrared light passed through the amethyst releases over 20 million years of information which is made available to the human body for healing purposes.

Another gemstone called Tourmaline is used in the Biomat. This gemstone is produced in granite pegmatite and is found in Brazil, India, China, and Africa. Tourmaline has powerful negative ion producing capabilities. The Biomat uses black Tourmaline which generates much more negative ions than other Tourmalines.

What are Negative Ions and where do they come from? An Ion is a particle which has electricity. Ions are molecules that have gained or lost electrical charge. They are created in nature as air molecules break apart due to sunlight, radiation, and moving air and water. The power of Negative Ions can be experienced near the ocean or waterfalls. While part of the euphoria is simply being around these majestic settings, the air circulating in the mountains and the ocean are known to contain tens of thousands of Negative Ions. At Yosemite Falls there are over 100,000 Negative Ions per cubic centimeter, whereas a typical home or office setting there are less than 100 Negative Ions per cubic centimeter. Why are they called Negative Ions? Negative Ions have a positive effect on people. Positive ions have a negative effect on people. An atom that has one of its normal orbiting electrons removed is called a Positive Ion. An atom with an extra electron added is called a Negative Ion. So the definition of terms is reversed. It is a misnomer for which Benjamin Franklin is responsible. Back in his time, electrons with a negative charge and atoms were not understood correctly. Even so, science has kept the terminology and therefore they are called “Negative Ions.”

How do the Negative Ions of the Biomat affect the cells? The human body consists of billions of cells, and each is enclosed by a cell wall. This cell wall performs many important roles, which include absorbing nutrients, (vitamins and minerals), and hydration. The cell wall is also responsible for eliminating acidic waste material and toxins. When the amount of Ions in the blood is increased, the function of the cell is activated. When there are more positive ions, the cell walls close and the cell’s ability to absorb nutrition and eliminate toxins is disabled. Through research done by Dr. Tanaka in Japan, it was discovered that when Ionization is introduced, the Ions in calcium and natrium (salt) in the blood increases, and the blood is purified. The blood then becomes more alkaline. Why is that important? Bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells cannot live in an alkaline environment.

What are the health benefits of the Biomat Negative Ions?

 •Negative Ions rejuvenate the cell channels

 •Relax and Balance the autonomic nervous system – restoring innate healing systems

•Purifies the blood transforming it from acidic to alkaline

• Aids in relief of Allergies, Asthma and Emphysema through the dilation of the bronchiole system

•Charges the Immune System

•Relieves pinched and stressed nerves

•Supplies cells with a negative charge – removing positively charged toxins

•Nature’s antioxidant, supplying neutralizing free radicals

•Nature’s master power switch

•Ionization recharges the human energy field with exhilarating power

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