About Sierra Nevada Holistic Services, LLC

SNVHS Mission Statement
True health care is a partnership of client and provider. Customized health care across health/wellness modalities is necessary in today’s modern medicine. SNVHS provides an umbrella of treatment; bringing together all aspects of health care, using a body, mind, spirit approach. We want our clients to be educated and equipped to make responsible and effective decisions about their health and wellness.

SNVHS recognizes the importance of focusing on root causes of illness and fostering an attitude that healing isn’t just about treating illness. It’s about establishing harmony and balance in all aspects of living to optimize health and prevent future problems. You, the client, are responsible for your choices. SNVHS is here to teach, to encourage and empower you in the ultimate goal of complete wellness. Our philosophy is guided by the following:
• The client is the central focus of the healing process and of the treatment team. Each member has equal influence, but all health decisions are made by the client.
• The greatest power to heal resides within each individual. We provide education, continuity of care services and incorporate a variety of health and wellness modalities to support the healing and current wellness of the client.
• Each person is a unique physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual being. SNVHS develops and supports customized care across health and wellness modalities in a treatment team foundation.
• Each aspect of a person – body, mind and spirit – must be supported and cared for at each interaction.
• Only by determining and correcting the underlying root cause(s) of imbalance can a person heal. Healing doesn’t always imply lack of illness, but a harmony and balance of illness and wellness within one’s life.
• The client is responsible for their choices. We teach, encourage and empower; the client does the work.
• Prevention of disease and maintenance of wellness is the ultimate goal.

Our Mission is to promote, enhance, and emulate health and wellness in a positive manner to the community at large.

Andrea Felesina, APRN, LMT

SNVHS Vision Statement
To inspire to make healthcare and wellness a chronic habit of our clients and surrounding communities.